From the many restrictions and measures that took place these days due to the Corona virus, here a few that are relevant and important to know for second home owners in Javea:
Amjasa suspends the collection of water bills in Xàbia during the emergency state and will study case by case aid to the consumers who need it (20/03/2020). This means you won't receive your
water bills at the moment, when the emergency state is lifted people can request help or instalment of payments.
“Orden de suspensión de apertura al publico de establecimientos de alquiler turístico hasta la finalización de la declaración del estado del alarma y sus posibles prorrogas”
(17/03/2020). For home owners who rent out their property it's important to know that as long as the emergency state has been declared you're not allowed to rent out your holiday home or receive
guests. All holiday accommodations cannot be open to public.
All deadlines for the payment of local taxes such as garbage or vehicles are also suspended by the town hall.
We recommend you to check the website of the town hall to keep informed.