According to the "El Confidencial" there were 120.000 burglaries in 2014 and although the number of forced entries the first 3 trimesters of this year have slightly decreased in the Comunitat Valenciana (16.542 in 2014 resp. 14.698 in 2015) there are still many properties unprotected, vacant most time of the year or easy to enter.
If you are thinking about changing your locks, installing an alarm system or get an insurance, we can help you! And remember, we can keep an eye on your property when you´re not there.
Saludos, Manon
More information:
Ministerio del Interior - Balance de Criminalidad. Tercer Trimestre de
El Confidencial - Los ladrones lo tienen fácil:
cuatro millones de casas sin una sola medida de seguridad
El País - Llega el verano... y los
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